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Program is over

Alive In Your Body!

Mar 22, 2021 - Mar 31, 2021

  • 10 Days
  • 21 Steps
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.

Do you feel like you want to dance but your body won't cooperate? Join this challenge for a short, daily warmup sequence to gently condition your body for bellydance. At the end you'll feel younger, lighter, more flexible and able to move with more ease. Over the next 10 days, Nneka will guide you on a short daily warm up to improve your range of motion and help your body feel more connected so you can dance better. The challenge is super simple. Every day you do the routine. That’s it. With daily practise, your body becomes more flexible and you’ll find you can move with more ease. To get the most out of this challenge, aim to not miss a single day of practise. Schedule 30-mins daily slots in your calendar for the next 10 days, starting Monday.


  • Start Here
  • Survey: Start Here
  • Day 1 - Welcome!
  • Day 2
  • Survey: Day 2
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